Replacement V-Belt for Ingersoll Rand 2475F13GH Gas Honda and 2475F14GH Compressors – 32310153
32310153 is a replacement drive belt for the Ingersoll Rand 2475F13GH and 2475F14GH. This is a banded belt that has two v-belts connected together. This is an OEM belt manufactured by Ingersoll Rand.
IR recommends replacing the belt every 1,000 hours of operation or every two years, whichever comes first. Checking the belt tension once per week is also recommended.
Note that this belt is only used on the Honda engine version of the 2475 gas compressor. 32310153 will not work with the Kohler or Kawasaki engine driven compressors.
This is an OEM belt manufactured by Ingersoll Rand. Most belts sold online are aftermarket and not rated to the same strength to withstand the vibration from the gas driven compressors. Please contact our parts department if you would like confirmation this item will work with your air compressor.
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